Friday, 15 December 2006

notes on 06.12.15

Randomly, I want to bulid one in Liverpool. Build a crowded stage square. I believe I can make every man an actor of truth.

Also walkway there is the one I need, very very pretty bus of course. And then put millions of people walking into and out of the house. Then a drinking house, where high school girls can hang out. The kellner supply guest with luscious wine. Then the stationery mall. Coastal levee are okay. I love it.

In a kinderhaus, every action, good or bad, has its consequences. Drop a handkerchiefand it will return to smother you. The theatre is my drug.

...By that time, everybody would say:
-I shall be valued for me and for what I knew I could do upon this stage.
-And for what I took the heat of my own soul and moulded it!
...And I will tell myself:
My great gift I just throw away.

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