In a moment, I mean to get my idea into some kind of order before start to write this weblog, and trying to imagine how the people of totay would change as it tried to face this new contradiction between the transformation and the opposing, the visible and the invisible, the reprisal and the tolerance... But I soon realized that it was the furthest thing from my mind. I'am so dazed, in my inside world I searched, the opiate haze of euphoria, the pseudo-sexual rush-is there more to it than that? Everything it twisted.
Then I sat in front of the screen for a while. Perhaps, I should lay in bed placidly for a moment, and be waiting for a finer structure.
Like love they flourished and grew // flac format, 2.92MB
Täglich im September...
Everyday in September the early fall was blue;
Everyday in September the early fall was blue;
Those young upright trees reaching for the sky, like love they flourished and grew;
Above us floated the fair clear sky;
which a cotton-white cloud was walking through;
And with faith in your heart it shall never leave you.
Georg Dreyman's paino SOLO // flac format, 6.08MB
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