Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Shipping House of France, 2057

Shipping House of France, 2057 (soft science fiction)

Electric train rode around an elevated viaduct fall towards the lake bridge in silence, lamplight of the coach was streaming through the dark lake surface, which was glinting the silvery flickering of waves.
His face seems blue, almost no one in coach, cold sheen was emitting from stainless steel chair. "It a pure mistake in aesthetics..." he think, "In designing and utilisation, stainless steel chair is very consistent with industrial design theory, but as a result of many such belief in utilitarianism and mechanization, we lost a lot of strength that serves to soothe."

Yes, when a designer sit alone in an empty coach of december's night and facing with such frosty chairs, he should know that it means sadness. In an instant, he even hope that turn all of them into red plastic flex-chair at once.
he stretched his legs, stretched on the beside chair; he watched his jeans and sneaker, he dived into his unironed suit to felt for some coin, four on the left, six on the right, some of which are small, may be not the same face value, he surmise.

他看向窗外,湖的边上是一些闪着昏黄灯光的零落的厂房轮廓,它们在三十年前承载着生产月球基地防风暴辐射板的任务,现在那种板由 东京三菱 公司生产了,这些厂房就开始渐渐闲置。他仔细打量着那莫名古怪形状的建筑,仔细看它们后面的天幕上的星星,但车里的灯光映在玻璃上的反光让他看不清,到后来他看到的是自己反照在玻璃上的脸。
He looked out of the window, some dilapidated factory buildings were studded by the edge of lake, which glimmered and was reflected beyond, about thirty years ago they were undertook the task of manufacturing "storm-proof shell", but now this "shell" has been made by MITSUBISHI, then those factorys are declining gradually, he drank in the strange buildings, and watching stars which is glittering in sky, but the glass which reflected the lamplight has blurred his vision, in the end, he has seen that the reflections of his face show up the window.
It seems that he studied himself at the mirror for a long time, he has got an expressionless face, he tried to smile, proved unsightly, he was ashamed a little, rubbed face, but he hasn't the courage to smile again.

When the train arrived, he has seen snow on the platform, a gleam in the distance, all of a sudden, he want to count how many people ride on the last train, and then he stopped on the platform, behold and see the people walked out of the coach, probably more than thirty people successively walked out from several different coach. wearing all sorts of overcoats, scarfs, and hats.
Nobody else walked out, and the train moved off shortly afterwards. he alone stood on the platform.

他在想 IVY 或者 JACQUELINE 或者其他什么人会突然出现在出口处路灯下,笑嘻嘻的说:怎么现在才出来?但随后他又笑自己,这又不是在演连续剧,没有任何人会在这种时候戏剧化的出现。生活远远比戏剧更复杂更有趣,也就意味着,在现实中有着更为深刻更为慎密的出现方式,决不会在有雪的深夜出现在路灯下这么肤浅。
He think that IVY or JACQUELINE or anyone else suddenly appeared at street-lamp of the exits, and grinning says, "how are you here so late?" then he laughed a little to himself, it's not a serial drama, no one would suddenly appeared in a dramatic manner at this time. The lives is more intriguing and complicated than drama, means in the real life, it was presented in an even more profound and rigorous manner, which is never appeared superficial at street-lamp of the snowy evening.

他决定走回山坡上的住处。他一边慢慢走一边试图想起关于 IVY 或者是 JACQUELINE 或者是他能想到的任何人的任何事。但他一个也想不起来。IVY 老是笑嘻嘻的,说话一般从“我操……”开始以“……巨鸡巴搞”结束;JACQUELINE 则在旁边安静的听他们说话。他们老在咖啡馆聊到深夜,他甚至给他们的团体取了个名字叫做“斯巴达克斯俱乐部”。JACQUELINE 曾问过他他们和 斯巴达克斯 有什么关系。他说一点关系都没有。JACQUELINE 歪着脑袋想了一下,说:斯巴达克斯 是不是就是古罗马那个起义的人。他说是的。
He decided back to his residence, which is perched on the hillslope. he is wandering slowly and trying to remember something that happened to IVY, JACQUELINE or anyone else. But all escaped. IVY always grinning, speak beginning with the words, "wocao..." and ended with "...jujibagao". At this time, JACQUELINE always sit beside them and listened to quietly. They often talked late into the night in the cafe, he even named the group "SPARTACUS CLUB". JACQUELINE had asked him what's the connection between the SPARTACUS and them. he reply "no." JACQUELINE tilted head thought it over, "SPARTACUS, who revolt against Rome or not." he reply "YES."

"YES"-He can't help but say it. He scared himself. Just to cover up the embarrassed of talks to himself, he turned to see how far he leaves, he is even able to see track of the snow which he had been standing before, the silence all around.

JACQUELINE 在月球,写信来说每天都很忙。IVY 在火星,写信来说那里的冬天和黑夜长达四年之久,“你能想象?也就是说我穿同一个款式的外套要穿四年,我操巨鸡巴搞了,真让人受不了……”
JACQUELINE live in Moon, wrote letters saying she always busy. IVY live in Mars, wrote letters saying the winter and the night is four years long in Mars, "Can you visualize it? That means I had to wear the identical style of clothes will last for four years, wocaojujibagaole, ca déchire..."

他突然感到很害怕,他感到在此刻、在当下,这样的场景会永远的失去,即便他走过无数次回家的路,他也没有这么强烈的感觉到要失去它的恐惧。他会失去这些,会失去 IVY 、JACQUELINE 她们,从某一个时刻之后,他所能看到的只有现实,他看不到在事物中美好的那些东西了。他很清楚自己将会看不到了,这感觉就好象即将知道自己要盲的人一样。他强烈的想要留住这些什么东西。
He felt suddenly very afraid, at the moment, he realized that such a view will disappeared forever, even though he has taken homeward road time and time again, he had never felt so strongly about the fears which be apart of it. he will lose that, lose IVY, lose JACQUELINE..., after the moment, he can see nothing but flesh and blood, he can not see the beauty in things. he knew full well that he can't miss it, It feels like the man soon know that he was a blind. He tried hard to save these things.

A few minutes later, his mind was at peace, started to accept the perspective in his sense, he wheeled around and went his way home silently.

hardMatrix 翻译:-)


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